Spring with a chance of summer
Recipe for "Spring with a chance of summer":
(for a well-made spring, just the way you like it) grab some people (or let them grab you) with whom you've spent some nice times before;
head straight to one of the many lakes which are close to Munich;
try the water, if you're feeling strong enough - water temperature is not that elevated in May;
- if you've been brave enough to test the water, stick your tongue out in order to determine the real air temperature - simply by wearing a short sleeve T-shirt, you won't figure it out that well;
have a laid-back state of mind, tell yourself that you've
especially if tomorrow will be a working day; -
analyze the surroundings from every angle possible, so you won't miss any spring colours;
- look towards the sun and you'll feel happy;
give yourself a break and just acknowledge the present;
whether you're part of a small group or a big group, just be yourself and have fun;
think about buying a piggy-bank, but don't buy one;
show your pedicure;
share some stories with your buddies;
mix all of the above with a little bit of alone time;
have lunch with the one(s) you love;
look towards the sun again, it will make you smile;
add more pink, this way your spring will be much better;
think a bit about the future, about settling down;
strike a pose;
hold on tight (just in case);
take a long (super long) stroll with your group (or swim, remember, if you're brave enough to face the chilly/ cold water);
don't get scared if you get separated from your group;
go fishing - heard that in Bavaria it's quite hard to get a fishing permit, but it is doable;
prepare for the sunset;
sprinkle a bit of charm.
The result: a magical spring, which will actually have the shape of summer.
Note: each spring must be enjoyed as much as possible, otherwise you won't get to feel its entire beauty and enjoy all of that each season has to offer you!
Where - Lindau (Bodensee);
When - one super sunny & warm day in the middle of May;
With - Nikon 1 V2 (50mm f/1.8G; 50mm).